45714 - Personenwagen C4 SBB

Passenger Coach C4 SBB

Road no.: 9301

Item no: 45714
lüp: 171
Length over buffer in mmLength over buffer in mm
inneneinrichtung: 1
With interior fittingsWith interior fittings
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 4 2201
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic
ac radsatz: 2183
Replacement wheel set for ACReplacement wheel set for AC
(allgemein) schleifer (dynamisch): 2222
AC pick-up can be retrofittedAC pick-up can be retrofitted
Meaning of the Symbols
lüp: 171
Length over buffer in mmLength over buffer in mm
inneneinrichtung: 1
With interior fittingsWith interior fittings
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 4 2201
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic
ac radsatz: 2183
Replacement wheel set for ACReplacement wheel set for AC
(allgemein) schleifer (dynamisch): 2222
AC pick-up can be retrofittedAC pick-up can be retrofitted

Model details

  • Tip bearing wheelsets
  • Extra wheel bearing and suspension system
  • True-to-scale side frames
  • Extra gas tank
  • Completely lacquered wagon body, housing and roof with soot marks
  • Handles and steps in lower-density material


Info about the original

Although the SBB had taken over large numbers of the American four-axle coaches and the coaches had proven their worth in service, when ordering new vehicles it was decided to use a three-axle design. After some time, the long coach body showed a high level of warping and deformation. The reason for this was the very poor running properties of the primitive bogies without secondary suspension. Nevertheless, some remained in service until 1941 and trains formed solely with four-axle coaches of the same class still travelled between Winterthur and Wil in 1930.

Further models of the same series

45716 - Personenwagen C4 SBB
Passenger Coach C4 SBB
45715 - Gepäckwagen F4 SBB
Luggage Car F4 SBB
45713 - Personenwagen BC4 SBB
Passenger Coach BC4 SBB
45712 - Mannschaftswagen X4 SBB
Passenger Coach X4 SBB