47730 - Gedeckter Güterwagen "Brauerei Leicht Vaihingen" K.W.St.E.

Covered Freight Car "Brauerei Leicht Vaihingen" K.W.St.E.

Road no.: Württemberg 600 055

Item no: 47730
lüp: 97.3
Length over buffer in mm
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic
ac radsatz: 2183
Replacement wheel set for AC

Model details

  • Tip bearing wheelsets
  • Precise paintwork and printing
  • Metal axle
  • Many separately mounted parts
  • Precise replica of board joints
  • Metal axles
  • Individually mounted brake systems

Brauerei Leicht Vaihingen is a registered trademark.


Info about the original

The Württemberg version of this Gm car was built from 1907. Altogether 1,813 units were produced at different waggon factories until 1911. The characteristic of the Württemberg cars was the subdivision of the side panels into 8 segments and the steel waggon door. The undercarriages had an additional fish-bellied girder. These Württemberg cars only existed without a handbrake. After the First World War, numerous cars of this construction type came to the DRG where they were classified in the Hannover class district.

Further models of the same series

47734 - Schlusswagen G K.W.St.E.
End Car G K.W.St.E.
47733 - Gedeckter Güterwagen G St.E.G.
Covered Freight Car G St.E.G.
47731 - Gedeckter Güterwagen "Brauerei zum Schloß Joseph Gösele" K.W.St.E.
Covered Freight Car "Brauerei zum Schloß Joseph Gösele" K.W.St.E.
47729 - Gedeckter Güterwagen G DRG
Covered Freight Car G DRG
47728 - Gedeckter Güterwagen Gu DRG
Covered Freight Car Gu DRG
47727 - Gedeckter Güterwagen G K.W.St.E.
Covered Freight Car G K.W.St.E.
47726 - Langholzwagen Hw DRG
Log Cars Hw DRG
47725 - Langholzwagen Hmz K.W.St.E.
Log Cars Hmz K.W.St.E.
47723 - Latrinenwagen K.W.St.E.
Latrine Car K.W.St.E.