50876 - Schwerlastwagen Samm-u [4818] DR, 3er-Set

Heavy Duty Freight Cars Samm-u [4818] DR, set of 3

Road no.: 31 50 482 1246-0 / 31 50 482 0634-8 / 31 50 482 2067-9

Item no: 50876
lüp: 548.1
Length over buffer in mm
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic
ac radsatz: 2181
Replacement wheel set for AC

Model details

  • Axle holders made of embossed sheet metal
  • Individually mounted wheelchocks
  • Fine replica of the wheel bearing
  • Multi-part brake system
  • True to original car bottom
  • Wheelsets with inside contours


Info about the original

Of the six-axle flat cars with low sides acquired from 1952 by the DR, the DB took over 1,044 units and described them as Samm 451. The cars were a speciality of the Eastern European railways; such types of car construction had not previously been available in the West. The cars, originally intended for the transport of super heavy tracked vehicles during troop transports, were mainly used at the end of their life cycle as construction freight cars for transporting rubble, gravel or excavated earth.

Further models of the same series

47583 - Schwerlastwagen Samms-u§453§ DB
Heavy Duty Freight Car Samms-u453 DB
47579 - Schwerlastwagen Samm-u [4818] DR
Heavy Duty Freight Car Samm-u [4818] DR
47578 - Schwerlastwagen Rrym DR
Heavy Duty Freight Car Rrym60-21 DR