46421 - Schnellzugwagen B4üe-28/52 DB

Express Train Car B4üe-28/52 DB

Road no.: 11 355 Au

Item no: 46421
lüp: 270
Length over buffer in mm
inneneinrichtung: 1
With interior fittings
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 1 2212
With interior lighting
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic
ac radsatz: 2188
Replacement wheel set for AC
(allgemein) schleifer (dynamisch): 2222
AC pick-up can be retrofitted


Info about the original

After 1945 at least 16 passenger cars and the three luggage wagons of the Rheingold Express remained with Deutsche Bahn. Since the train no longer ran in its previous form, the carriages were repurposed for different roles. Eight of these were used to create the DSG dining cars 1230, 1232 and 1234 – 1239. Five were converted into normal twin-class compartment carriages 11355 – 11359 and three were used to create the coaches 10801 – 10 803. The luggage wagons retained their role and were taken out of service between 1968 and 1977.

Optional accessories

Further models of the same series

46465 - Schnellzugwagen SB4ük DRG
Express Train Coach SB4ük DRG
46464 - Schnellzugwagen SB4ü DRG
Express Train Coach SB4ü DRG
46463 - Rheingold Schnellzugwagen-Set DRG, 5er-Set
Rheingold Express Train Coach Set DRG, set of 5
46462 - Reisezugwagen B4üe "F-Zugwagen" DB
Passenger Coach B4üe "F-Zugwagen" DB
46461 - Speisewagen WR4ü[e] DSG
Dining Car WR4ü[e] DSG
46460 - Gesellschaftswagen Wgükge§822.0§ DB
Entertainment Car Wgükge822.0 DB
46438 - Speisewagen WR CSD
Dining Car WR CSD
46430 - Rheingold Schnellzugwagen SB4ü DRG
Rheingold Express Train Coach SB4ü DRG
46428 - Schnellzugwagen Aüe§303§ DB
Express Train Coach Aüe303 DB
46427 - Schnellzugwagen Büe§355§ DB
Express Train Car Büe355 DB
46424 - Schnellzugwagen A4üe-28/52 DB
Express Train Car A4üe-28/52 DB
46422 - Schnellzugwagen A4üe-28/52 DB
Express Train Car A4üe-28/52 DB
46417 - Schnellzugwagen Aüe§305§ DB
Express Train Coach Aüe305 DB
46415 - Schnellzugwagen WGüklle-29/50 DB
Express Train Coach WGüklle-29/50 DB
46412 - Schnellzugwagen B4üe-28/ 52 "F-Zugwagen" DB
Express Train Coach B4üe-28/ 52 "F-Zugwagen" DB
46411 - Schnellzugwagen B4üe-28/ 52 "F-Zugwagen" DB
Express Train Coach B4üe-28/ 52 "F-Zugwagen" DB
46410 - Schnellzugwagen B4üe-28/ 52 "F-Zugwagen" DB
Express Train Coach B4üe-28/ 52 "F-Zugwagen" DB